Role Playing Games with Sprite Kit!

Sprite Kit tutorial on Role Playing Games

My latest Sprite Kit lesson covers a long-time favorite topic of mine, Role Playing Games! The entire course is 8 hours long (divided up into shorter 10-20 minute movies).  I’ll give you a brief overview of the lesson below, but you can find out more at the sales page.

Sprite Kit RPG Tutorial

Each level is a physics based world, one thing we will do early on is program our own debug borders around the physics objects. This way we can see exactly what the collision area is around the world, characters, etc. This was an easy option to turn on with Cocos2d, but unfortunately with Sprite Kit, you need to do a little extra programming.

Sprite Kit RPG Tutorial - Using Property Lists

The screen shot above shows part of the Property List we will create during the lesson. This will be used to populate each level, and define dozens of options on a per-character basis. Each character can have their own texture set, with options for side views, back views, front views, resting and attack frames.

Sprite Kit Particle Tutorial

We will add Sprite Kit Particle emitters when the character attacks / dies. These are a great addition to Xcode 5 and a lot of fun to play with.

Sprite Kit RPG Tutorial

Once the initial setup is done, we can play around with the physics environment. Sending players, coins, whatever, bouncing around the scene based on physics forces or impulses.

Interested? See more at the sales page for How to Make a Role Playing Game with Sprite Kit.

Or continue reading the entire course outline below…

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